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Air Conditioner


Search by Remote Control Model Number


Number on the Remote Control


Why you need to purchase the original remote instead of a universal remote


Air Conditioner Model Number

Number on the Remote Control
CE05BC5 AC-5620-30
CE08CC5 AC-5620-30
CE15DC5 AC-5620-30
CE24EC5 AC-5620-30
CR06BC5 AC-5620-30
CR08CC5 AC-5620-30
CR10DC5 AC-5620-30
CR12DC5 AC-5620-30
CR18EC5 AC-5620-30
ESA3067 AC-5620-30
ESA3067-E AC-5620-30
ESA3087-E AC-5620-30
ESA3247 AC-5620-30
ESA3259-L AC-5620-30
ESA424JL AC-5620-30
ESAX3186-E AC-5620-30
HWR18VC7 AC-5620-30
HWR18VCJ AC-5620-30
HWVR10XCJ AC-5620-30
HWVR10XCK AC-5620-30


Number on the Remote Control
